Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A tag!

I'm taking this tag up from Kiran.  The tag is very simple,I have to list 5 lessons that I've learnt as a mommy.
Although I'm a new mom,and do not have profound advice to offer,I thought I should take up this tag as a fun thing to do!
1. This too shall pass - There have been times when my babies have been absolutely impossible to manage,and a few hours after that,complete sweethearts! So now when I'm having a I-cant-do-this-anymore moment,I try to keep in mind that this tough moment will pass,and will be followed by a fabulous,blissful one.
2.The village - Any parenting issue I come across,there is someone who has already faced it before and dealt with it successfully. All it takes is asking,there are plenty of people willing to help.
3.ShowerPower - Just taking a quick shower is so incredibly refreshing.When I step out of the bathroom freshly showered with no spit up on me or my clothes,I feel like I am ready to take on the world!
4. The great outdoors - My babies are so small now,they still enjoy getting out of the house,be it a walk around the block or a few hours at  a friend's house.
5. Sleep is over rated - We are yet to get a full  night's sleep. Each night,we feel like we cannot possibly survive one more day like this,but somehow,the morning rolls around,and we manage to make it through the day!
There are so many times that I feel completely paranoid that I must be doing something more for the kids,that I must be doing more reading,I must be researching more about the best way to do this or that,I am fervently hoping and Praying that at the very minimum,I raise my kids to be well mannered and socially conscious. That in itself will make me proud(yes,I have very low expectations).

Stuff about parenthood that no one tells you!

My pregnancy was not all pickles and ice-cream, and my experience as a new mom has been quite the ride so far! While I've been dumped with my fair share of advice from experienced moms,new moms,my own mom and some non moms,here's stuff about pregnancy that no one told me about before.

There is something about sleeping babies that just melts away your heart. Given that I have two little ones,during those magic moments when they are both down for a nap,I can watch them for hours!

Nursing your child is an incredibly hard experience,yes,when it does finally work out,its a very special bonding experience,but at times,it leaves me feeling quite sore :(

Life as a  new mom can be terribly isolating.Being a very social person,I terribly miss all the human interaction in my daily life - be it with colleagues at work or with friends and family after work. I've been finding it awfully isolating  to  be holed up in my bedroom for the most part and welcome rare outings such as the bathroom and living areas. However,thanks to the wonderful world of social media,I've made new friends with people from all over the world and had some fun conversations!

Here's to a successful first quarter! *Clink*

The kiddos are 3 months old now! Time sure flies when you are having..err.. no sleep and so much fun? I vividly remember THE day,3 months ago. I had just been sent home after several weeks in the hospital,on strict bed rest at home. It was a rainy,cold day. We had just finished having the "its-too-hot" "No,Its your pregnancy hormones,its actually very cold" argument and had fallen asleep into a blissful afternoon nap. This was just two days post St.Patrick's day, I had been fervently hoping that I would not deliver two boys on St.Patrick's day,for fear that their livers might become prunes at the end of their its-my-birthday-AND-St.Patrick's-day binge! We woke up after a really long nap and I said what he wanted to,but was afraid of - "Is this the calm before the storm?" That was the last time in a long time that we would be sleeping so soundly for so long :)
I was craving ravioli for dinner,S went to get some groceries for dinner. My back started killing me all of a sudden,it was a very different type of pain. I called the doctor on call,she asked me to swing by the hospital to just get checked out.maybe get a pain killer for the pain,and head back home. S came back home with a cheery " I found your favorite Ravioli and garlic bread" and I greeted him with "Don't take off those shoes,we need to go over to the hospital" . We picked up the chord blood registry kits and rushed to the hospital,all the while intending to come back home and make a nice dinner.
Hmm.. The kids had other plans.From then on,they would make the plans,we were merely going to follow on :) They were born that night via C-section. It has been truly the most trying time of my life. While I was excited to meet the little creatures who had been kicking and boxing away in my belly,I was very nervous and apprehensive about their impending  NICU stay.

While its been the longest 3 months of our lives,the rewards could not have been better! As we cuddle our babies and enjoy their cute smiles today,I cannot thank our support system enough for being there for us throughout the journey!

We are looking forward to the next few milestones eagerly,I must say that the forecast for the upcoming quarter is very rosy!


Monday, May 02, 2011

Long time,no post..

Hmm.. Its been a long time since I updated this blog. This year began in a rather unexpected manner,nothing could have prepared us for what the past few months have spewed at us :( It all started when I went in for a routine ultrasound on the 3rd of Jan.We used to look forward to these,it was our opportunity to say hello to our babies,who up until this point,looked rather alien-ish :P The doctor found a problem and sentenced me to couch-arrest or bed rest. At a follow-up ultrasound two weeks later,the condition had far worsened and I ended up hospitalized and on the worst possible medications. From then on,the next 9 weeks were spent in a constant state of stress and worry for the health of the babies and me,going in and out of the hospital. Most of what I felt then,I would rather not remember.
Anyhow,All's well that end's well - We were blessed twice as nice with two lovely little boys. After a few weeks at the NICU,we were asked to take them home.
I've gone from counting hours and days,lying in bed,to counting the minutes before the next diaper-change-feed-burp cycle begins so that I can get all the million little things done for my tiny masters.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The end of a decade..

The past decade has had one overarching theme - "Growing Up". Yes,I feel very wise ( and kinda old too!) as we step into a new decade. And you know you have crossed the big three-oh milestone,when you feel like its not so much about what other people think of you and your ideas,but more about what you think of others and their ideas of life.
So,Cheers to a new decade ahead and all the fun and excitement that comes with it!! "clink"